G5 Book 2

Book Descriptions

G5 (Fifth generation) A book of Computer Science 1 to 5 is an effort to make students acquainted with various fields of computer education. Basic fundamentals since beginning till date, new versions of software, comprehensive information about all new features enhances the confidence of the learner. Good manner, Lab activity, Model test paper, National Cyber Olympiad and Project work are some added attractions of the book. The entire series introduces basic points of HTML, XML, Java, C, C++, Flash, MS Office, Qbasic and Visual basic to fulfil the requirements of the ever changing computer world. Information regarding shortcut keys, logical text material, basic commands and advance software related theories is a unique feature of the book.

Book Details

  • Book Name :G5 Book 2
  • ISBN :978-81-89167-92-9
  • Author : Ashish Kumar Singh